This weekend was an interesting time for me.
Thursday on Freecycle I managed to score a huge air compressor. Freecycle is a great concept that works very will. The idea is to offer a place to post stuff you no longer want or need to have them go away instead of putting these items into some landfill. What it winds up being is one big "for free" garage sale. Anyway, I had no place for the monster, so i asked my brother if he would like to have this unit. Being a testosterone human he naturally said yes. I made arrangements to pick the monster up Friday after work. Lordy what a day that was. God himself was busy creating his best art work. It was a beautiful fall afternoon. I loved the drive down old hwy 26. I loved the town of Columbia City. And the place where I picked up the compressor, Caples House Museum, what a find! I will certainly have to go back there and explore sometime soon. Yes, the nice people who got rid of the compressor live there! The compressor got delivered as did the glass and other goodies, and I headed back home Saturday afternoon with a kayak. And that's when I came across this sign in Longview Washington, and I liked it!