The Creator sat upon the throne, thinking. Behind him stretched the illimitable continent of heaven, steeped in a glory of light and color; before him rose the black night of Space, like a wall. His mighty bulk towered rugged and mountain-like into the zenith, and His divine head blazed there like a distant sun. At His feet stood three colossal figures, diminished to extinction, almost, by contrast -- archangels -- their heads level with His ankle-bone.
When the Creator had finished thinking, He said,
"I have thought. Behold!"
Though if you are fundamentally religious, you will no doubt not agree with me, and I don't care! As your evangelical leaders do not care (and have explicetly said as much to all the national news media) if I am offended or frightened by their beliefs and tactics. I don't care if you don't have the ability to open your mind and listen to what you hear!
It is after all, your loss!